Thursday, November 10, 2011

blog post #7,17220/
"Man attempts to assassinate Obama, 'But not because he's black or anything'."

 I was drawn to this video because it seemed interesting on how they could make a joke out of this topic. The Onion makes fun of a story that in real news probably would even be said. The president probably get threats regularly but we never hear about them in the public.
The writer throws in that he wasn't going to kill him because he is black, and that he was going to do that because his sister is married to a black guy. And then the guy goes on about how he has all these other black friends. It was funny. This guy was treading water not to seem racist, when the joke o the matter was that he was in trouble for wanting to kill our president.
The voice tried to sound serious throughout the video, but the video itself was ridiculous that the humor could not have been covered up.
The guy in the video was bald, and he almost looked like a skin head, but he went against everything that a "skin head" would really be. Saying that when he first meets a new "African American", he asks to be friends and hang out.
The onion totally changed the story around.
He was saying he wasn't going to kill Obama because he was black, but "because of his socialist policies", meaning an economic system in which the means of production are commonly owned and controlled cooperatively; or a political philosophy advocating such a system.
I dont think this video had much of a point, other than showing off how idiotic the man was that they were talking about.

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