Monday, November 21, 2011

Occupy Wallstreet

As we were supposed to watch more videos or do more research on Occupy wall street I found it frustrating to hear about what the government is doing with our money. Or what the general public is saying the politicians and government is doing with our money. I do not really understand for the most part. I don't follow the news nor do I watch recent events, so I have been out of the loop on this subject for a while now. But I wish I haven't been. My family is pretty well off, I come from an upper middle class family and money has never been something that we have had to "fight" for. And I was shocked to see other middle class families and citizens in the videos protesting. This doesn't only effect the people that live off their money day to day, it is effecting the entire economy, and that was one major point that really stood out to me within their arguments.
They also were saying, the money is just cycling through the rich instead of helping what the people really need to have fixed. If common americans were to be doing these things they would be considered "scams" and would be thrown in jail, but the rich can get away with this and then on top of it receive bonuses? Not Fair! Some people were yelling, "need good jobs and financial regulations". The banks need regulations on how much money they can keep giving out to big corporations, "big spenders". They do keep the economy growing, but only in the upper half. The lower parts are going to continue struggling. While all of this is going on the financial district is not even blinking an eye. They keep to their day to day activities and are spending more money than ever despite what is going on in their front yard. I thought it was interesting because they interviewed a 9 year old boy that was standing next to his dad and he said, This is just like the opposite of Robin Hood, they are stealing from the poor, taking away the things they need to live with, and giving it all to the rich. Its not right! At first I was upset that this father took is child to this protest, but I thought it was great that the kid could make a connection like that. That kid will be something some day lol. Others were chanting, "need real democracy not a corporate democracy!", along with a man saying, "corporate finance reports is what he would like this to come to".
I agree with with a lot of the general people are upset about. The banks, high rollers, and politicians do keep a lot of financial things secret from the people. But ultimately they have the power to do so, which is unfair. The way that the people are going about their arguments, herding and protesting, is not effective. People will not listen to people that are yelling and angry. We need a government official to stand up for the general public and be on our side, unfortunately that probably will not happen.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

blog post #7,17220/
"Man attempts to assassinate Obama, 'But not because he's black or anything'."

 I was drawn to this video because it seemed interesting on how they could make a joke out of this topic. The Onion makes fun of a story that in real news probably would even be said. The president probably get threats regularly but we never hear about them in the public.
The writer throws in that he wasn't going to kill him because he is black, and that he was going to do that because his sister is married to a black guy. And then the guy goes on about how he has all these other black friends. It was funny. This guy was treading water not to seem racist, when the joke o the matter was that he was in trouble for wanting to kill our president.
The voice tried to sound serious throughout the video, but the video itself was ridiculous that the humor could not have been covered up.
The guy in the video was bald, and he almost looked like a skin head, but he went against everything that a "skin head" would really be. Saying that when he first meets a new "African American", he asks to be friends and hang out.
The onion totally changed the story around.
He was saying he wasn't going to kill Obama because he was black, but "because of his socialist policies", meaning an economic system in which the means of production are commonly owned and controlled cooperatively; or a political philosophy advocating such a system.
I dont think this video had much of a point, other than showing off how idiotic the man was that they were talking about.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Cher daughter or son?

This is Cher's daughter, but now Son. He or She got a sex change. This is a perfect image to question what gender they might be.