Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Goodbye WWI

Part 2:
I have really enjoyed this class. At first I thought it would be hard to wake up and do writing early in the morning twice a week, but this class made me appreciate the first semester at Columbia that much more. I have met some really nice people and the class in general was really open minded. I think that we had awesome conversations and topic discussions. No one ever shot down others opinions and we worked well together to help each others writing improve in general.
I wish that we could have done some group projects so that I could have met people better, but I have networked with a few people in class and I am happy about that. It was nice to meet other freshman from other majors because these will be the people we grow up with the next four years, and hopefully the people that we graduate with. I also wished that this class was a full year long because the curriculum was interesting.
This second part of the blogpost is supposed to be a goodbye, but I think it should be a "see you later", because I bet a lot of us are signed up for WWII next semester and will probably run into each other again in other classes.
Hope you guys have an awesome holiday season! And rest of Freshman year.
-Taylor Jabin